Have a job for a recent graduate? We have tools to assist employers in connecting with the most qualified candidates. You may use the Career Center's free Web-based recruiting system, Handshake, to list your job and internship opportunities for current financial planning students or even alumni who may be looking for a position. We have graduates in Tuscaloosa and all over the United States that may be the perfect fit for your firm.
Visit career.sa.ua.edu/handshake/ to join the web-based recruiting system Handshake. When registering, choose Consumer Sciences - Family Financial Planning and Counseling to locate our students. Please allow one business day for your account to be activated, and monitor your email, as you will be asked to confirm your request within 24 hours of receiving the message. For additional information about creating an account and posting a job, please contact the Career Center at (205) 348-5848 or [email protected].
Have an open position or interest in a student intern? Contact us at (205) 348-6178 or [email protected].